December 22, 2023

Mosaic Digital Systems Year-End Performance Review


As we bring 2023 to a close, we want to give a peek behind the curtain to highlight the impact the MDS platform has had on our clients’ affiliate performance as well as spotlight the most adopted features this year. Without further ado, feast your eyes on the Mosaic Digital Systems Affiliate Marketing Year-End Review!

Breakthrough Features That Changed the Affiliate Game

Let’s talk about the supercharged features that put our platform in a league of its own. After over a decade of affiliate management experience, we synthesized all our know-how into functionalities that completely transformed our clients’ approach to partnerships.

Partner Pairing 

Think of it like a matchmaker for brands and affiliates sans the awkward first dates. Our clients got to say ‘goodbye’ to the days, weeks, and months of guessing who’s the perfect affiliate for their brand and said ‘hello’ to automated and vetted top-producing affiliates. With a click of a button, you receive curated recruitment suggestions and offer extension opportunities to streamline outreach efforts. Score!


This feature leverages over a decade of affiliate performance data to verify and auto-approve publishers who have proven themselves to be top revenue generators for programs in the past, so our clients don’t have to waste time doing any of the icky grunt work of sorting through affiliate applications. Auto-Accept helps our clients rest easy knowing only the highest quality programs will be automatically added to their program.

Industry Insights

This feature delivers invaluable data about your competitors’ affiliate programs against yours to help you identify areas for improvement and reinforcement. It also highlights the top-performing affiliates and products in each industry so you can make informed decisions about optimizing your program.

Campaign Connect 

Our latest feature practically performs marketing magic! Campaign Connect recommends, schedules, and auto-deploys promotions and optimizations to increase your program’s performance and cut strategy and production time down by tangible margins.

MDS, Wrapped

Now, we will reveal some key metrics about how our clients interacted with MDS this year! 

Most Used Feature: Partner Pairing

We’re not saying it’s the favorite child, but… who are we kidding? Partner Pairing is the Beyoncé of our feature lineup. 

Top Producing Business Verticals

Health & Wellness 

Revenue: $1,795,337.41

Gifts & Flowers 

Revenue: $1,426,516.37

Consumer Goods 

Revenue: $739,644.66

Offers Extended


Affiliates Added 


Revenue Driven 


Clicks Generated 


Actions Taken 


A word from our Product Analyst, Caroline MacLeod:

“The growth of Mosaic this past year has been greater than I could’ve imagined and I’m so thankful to be a part of a team that is deeply connected and united with a passion to turn breakthrough ideas into reality. What MDS has accomplished this year will go down in history, finally making agency-exclusive insights available to companies that otherwise couldn’t gain access to them and creating technology that can scale and manage an affiliate program effectively with minimal effort. It’s an incredible feat that I’m honored to be a part of.”

Mosaic does the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. Our technology is doing away with the age-old black-box agency approach that costs a fortune and gives emerging businesses a chance to compete in the partnership space in a real way for a fraction of the cost. In a lot of ways, MDS is an equalizer for brands seeking to unlock the revenue generation potential of affiliate marketing.


So, there you have it. It’s not just a CRM; it’s your backstage pass to a world where partnerships flourish, profits skyrocket, and the competition is left wondering how you make it all look so effortless. We cannot wait to continue developing our product offering and transforming affiliate programs day in and day out. Cheers to another year of affiliate success!

If you want to transform your affiliate performance in the new year, book a demo with us to learn how!

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